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"... user friendly clarity..."

Longtime yoga teachers Virginia and Khalsa team up to provide novices with an inspiring introduction to the kundalini version of the practice, as well as to offer a fresh perspective for seasoned practitioners. The authors explain the system of beliefs behind kundalini yoga, “an ancient, time-tested system of exercises and meditation,” and cover the use of asana, breath work (pranayama), meditation, and mantra. The kriyas (seven “classic” exercise sets have been selected for inclusion), meditations, and other aspects of the practice are presented with user-friendly clarity and are accompanied by attractive black and white photos of Virginia demonstrating the poses. Readers will learn the basics of a kundalini yoga session, including the opening Adi Mantra and other mantras, commonly used mudras (gestures), and breathing techniques such as kundalini yoga’s signature Breath of Fire. The authors do an excellent job of summarizing kundalini’s rise in the U.S. since it was introduced by India-born kundalini yoga master Yogi Bhajan in the l960s, but the emphasis is on engaging the reader to participate and learn through experience. Readers will find this a valuable resource for jump-starting or enhancing their kundalini yoga studies. (Jan.)

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